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An IN-YOUR-FACE kind of weekend...

...So watch your face (and your back!) Everyone loved our friend Kimble Mead's painted drawing of me and Amy flying through space a few posts previous so here's another of his wonderful portraits of us which we are so proud to own. I'm using it to illustrate the Astro Weather for this weekend because it is IN-YOUR-FACE time! For the Astro Curious, Sun's just opposed Neptune from Virgo to Pisces; Juipter is Stationary Direct after having been retrograde for many months and the Moon's going to oppose said Jupiter from Cancer to the mashup in Capricorn (Jupiter Pluto & Saturn!) Plus Mars is retrograde. SO WHAT? I'll tell you so what! Expect everyone to make their moves starting right now and through the weekend and even into the coming week. But everyone's been making their moves, I hear you say. Perhaps, says I, but now they're going to be making their BIG moves, the traps will be sprung, coming out of left field will be twenty times the usual "Hey, wtf was that?" intensity level. It's going to be a weekend where you're going to be saying "I can't believe s/he said that and then s/he answered that way and then they really got into it." Of course, this won't be true for everyone. For far too many people this intense, in your face, wtf just happened energy is going to be manifesting as their having to rebuild substantial parts of their lives after suffering through the fires out west and the riots all over the world. In fact, I almost didn't post this or anything for a while because who cares about astrology when you're having to evacuate and worry about so many things at the same time. I think we are going to have to invent new words to go along with the hyper level of having to DO SOMETHING that this paradigm shift hitting the fan Astro Weather since Saturn met Pluto in January 2020. It's got us all off balance because on one level so many are locked down yet the challenge to DO SOMETHING is as intense for the locked down as it is for those who are running free trying to DO SOMETHING to make their world a better place. I used to tell my friends in media that the old paradigm of a "news" program dumping a garbage truck's worth of horrible news in our face every day was not going to work and that when someone figured out how to produce a program that informed but also gave you info on how to DO SOMETHING to change the bullshit that you had just been hit with, that program would be number one. Well, I don't know if that kind of a program is possible but I do see all over the "news," which I def don't get any more from the maimed stream media, people are fed up with not doing something and they are trying to DO SOMETHING. Far too many are using violence and destruction in their desperation that lessor methods don't DO SOMETHING, more like doing nothing than something, worse, actually, because the people with their talons on the levers of power LIE To US and say that they are serving our interests but nothing changes or doesn't change fast enough and, voila, you have the DO SOMETHING riots of 2020, brought to you by SCHOOL'S OUT Productions financed with UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE MONEY. I am not in any way condoning violence, aka "the last resort of the incompetent" (I dont know who said that quote, but I get it). I am saying that I know that people want to DO SOMETHING and this is the week when people are really going to start making the big moves. So if you have someone in your life who is prone to keeping their anger on Simmer, stay out of their way because this is a Godzilla Vs Rodan kind of weekend, astrology-wise, and fighters are going to not hold back. May all beings know peace, health and the fact that We Are One Tribe.

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