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don't get hung up on little points

A Stellium is when you have five or more planets in one sign. As I write this we have Mercury at 2 degrees Virgo, the Moon (the fast mover) on 4 degrees, Sun (a degree a day) at 7, Mars at 8 and Venus at 12!!!!! That's a lot of detail precision digestion analysis and, dare I say it, a bit of worry? But I say don't worry, be happy, because all five planets are trine (120 degrees, the good aspect) to Uranus in Taurus so sudden out of the blue good stuff is possible!!!! Amy Zerner and I have Saturn in Virgo though this Stellium is not close enough to them, not even for jazz. This is THE BEST time to be detail oriented and a great time for everything if you can avoid becoming attached to outcomes because that turns into Worry, which I believe Virgo to be the sign of. Virgo is the sign associated with the planet Mercury, it's all about skill, craftspersonship (is that a word yet?), mastery of craft, and Virgo is associated with the Sixth House of an astrology chart, service or other work for people you see or know, food, health, use of the body, small animals. As long as you don't get hung up on the little points, the details, the worries that probably won't materialize, you can be golden. Have a wonderful SAFE and restorative Labor Day Weekend. Remember my favorite bumper sticker, "CAUTION: I Drive As Badly As You Do!" and if you're outside the cities driving remember that there are animals that live there so don't drive faster than you can stop in time if one crosses in front of you. And I hope you have at least one of our books in your pile of fun stuff to do in case it rains or in case you want to tell your future. If you don't, buy our Enchanted Tarot app, it's cheap and it is beautiful and it works! We use it every day.

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